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SRT vs RTMP: Comparison Between Two Streaming Protocols

Discover the differences between SRT vs RTMP in live streaming. Learn about their advantages, limitations, and practical applications to choose the best protocol for your needs..

What is RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol)?

Real-Time Messaging Protocol

(RTMP) is a communication protocol initially developed by Macromedia (now Adobe) for streaming audio, video, and data over the internet. RTMP was designed to deliver low-latency media streams and became a foundational technology for live streaming.

communication protocol

breaks down data into smaller packets for efficient delivery, making it ideal for real-time video transmission. RTMP is commonly used in live streaming with platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook Live, where immediate data transfer is crucial.
sequence diagram of how RTMP works

Advantages of RTMP(Real-Time Messaging Protocol)

RTMP offers several benefits that have cemented its place in live streaming:

Low Latency

RTMP is designed for minimal delay, ensuring that live streams are as real-time as possible. This makes it ideal for applications requiring immediate interaction, such as live broadcasts and interactive events.


RTMP is widely supported across numerous platforms and devices, making it a versatile choice for broadcasters. Its long-standing presence in the industry means it integrates seamlessly with many existing systems.

Established Infrastructure

Given its early adoption, RTMP benefits from a robust infrastructure and a wealth of tools and resources. This ease of use and reliability makes it a go-to for many streaming services.

Limitations of RTMP(Real-Time Messaging Protocol)

Security Issues

RTMP lacks inherent encryption features, making it vulnerable to interception and unauthorized access. This can be a significant concern for sensitive broadcasts.

Reliance on Flash:

RTMP relies heavily on Adobe Flash, which has been deprecated and is no longer supported. This reliance limits its future viability and compatibility with modern browsers and devices.

Scaling Limitations

RTMP can struggle with scalability, particularly for high-traffic broadcasts. It requires significant server resources to maintain performance and low latency under heavy loads.

What is SRT(Secure Reliable Transport)?

Secure Reliable Transport

(SRT) is an open-source protocol developed by Haivision that focuses on secure, reliable, and

low-latency streaming

of video content over unpredictable networks. SRT streaming is a video streaming protocol designed for low-latency, high-quality video delivery. Using an SRT streaming server, it incorporates robust error correction and encryption mechanisms, making it ideal for professional live streaming in unstable network environments, ensuring secure and reliable transmissions.
SRT addresses many of the limitations found in older streaming protocols by incorporating robust error correction and encryption mechanisms. This makes SRT ideal for professional live streaming, particularly in environments where network stability cannot be guaranteed.
sequence diagram of how SRT works

Advantages of SRT(Secure Reliable Transport)

SRT brings several innovations to the table:

Enhanced Security

SRT incorporates AES encryption, ensuring that video streams are secure from interception and unauthorized access. This is crucial for broadcasts that require confidentiality.

Low Latency

Similar to RTMP, SRT is designed to maintain low latency. However, it also adapts to network conditions, ensuring smooth playback even when the connection is unstable.

Error Correction

SRT uses packet loss recovery and retransmission techniques to correct errors in real-time. This makes it more reliable for streaming over networks with variable performance.

Limitations of SRT(Secure Reliable Transport)

While SRT offers numerous benefits, it also has some challenges:


SRT can be more complex to implement compared to older protocols like RTMP. It requires a deeper understanding of networking and configuration.

Newer Adoption

Being relatively newer, SRT does not have the same level of widespread adoption and established infrastructure as RTMP. This can lead to compatibility issues with certain systems.

Potential Compatibility Issues

Although SRT is growing in popularity, not all platforms and devices support it natively. This can necessitate additional steps to ensure compatibility in a diverse streaming setup.
By understanding the distinct characteristics, advantages, and limitations of RTMP and SRT, broadcasters can make informed decisions about which protocol best suits their needs for live streaming.

Technical Comparison of RTMP vs SRT

Latency Performance

Latency is a critical factor in live streaming, affecting the real-time interaction between the broadcaster and the audience. RTMP is renowned for its low latency, typically maintaining delays of less than 5 seconds.
This low latency is achieved through persistent connections and optimized data packet delivery. However, RTMP's performance can degrade on unstable networks due to its lack of advanced error correction.
While SRT is designed to offer low latency while adapting to network conditions. SRT utilizes advanced techniques such as forward error correction and packet recovery to ensure smooth streaming even over unreliable connections. This adaptability allows SRT to maintain low latency similar to RTMP, but with greater stability and reliability under varying network conditions.

Security Features

Security is another critical aspect where SRT has a significant advantage over RTMP. RTMP lacks built-in encryption, making it susceptible to interception and unauthorized access. Broadcasters often need to implement additional security measures to protect RTMP streams, which can complicate the setup.
On the other hand, SRT offers robust security features out-of-the-box. It incorporates AES encryption, ensuring that video streams are protected against interception and tampering. This built-in security makes SRT a more secure option for transmitting sensitive or high-value content.

Compatibility and Adoption

Compatibility and adoption are crucial when selecting a streaming protocol. RTMP has been the industry standard for many years and is widely supported across various platforms and devices. This extensive compatibility makes RTMP a convenient choice for many broadcasters.
SRT, while newer, is rapidly gaining traction due to its superior performance and security features. However, its adoption is not as widespread as RTMP, and some older platforms and devices may not support it natively. Broadcasters may need to use additional tools or updates to ensure full compatibility with SRT.

Transitioning from RTMP to SRT

Transitioning from RTMP to SRT involves several steps and considerations to ensure a smooth process:
  • Evaluate Compatibility: Assess existing infrastructure for compatibility with SRT. This may involve updating or replacing certain hardware and software components to support SRT.
  • Configure Network Settings: Optimize network settings to accommodate SRT’s advanced features, such as error correction and encryption.
  • Implement Gradually: Consider a phased transition to SRT, starting with less critical streams before fully migrating all live broadcasts.
  • Training and Support: Provide training for technical staff to familiarize them with SRT’s configuration and troubleshooting processes.
Steps for Transition:
  • Assess and upgrade infrastructure.
  • Optimize network settings for SRT.
  • Gradually implement SRT in stages.
  • Train technical staff on SRT operations.
By understanding the technical distinctions and practical applications of RTMP and SRT, broadcasters can better choose the appropriate protocol for their specific needs.

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Practical Examples

Basic RTMP Code Example

Setting up an RTMP stream involves configuring an RTMP server and client. Below is a simple example using Node.js and the node-media-server package to set up an RTMP server.

Node.js RTMP Server Setup


1const NodeMediaServer = require('node-media-server');
3const config = {
4  rtmp: {
5    port: 1935,
6    chunk_size: 60000,
7    gop_cache: true,
8    ping: 30,
9    ping_timeout: 60
10  },
11  http: {
12    port: 8000,
13    allow_origin: '*'
14  }
17const nms = new NodeMediaServer(config);
This basic setup initializes an RTMP server that can accept incoming RTMP streams on port 1935. The server also provides an HTTP interface on port 8000.

Basic SRT Code Example

Setting up an SRT stream involves configuring an SRT server and client. Below is a simple example using Python with the pysrt library to set up an SRT server.

Python SRT Server Setup


1import srt
2import socket
4def start_srt_server(ip, port):
5    server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
6    server_socket.bind((ip, port))
8    print(f"SRT server started on {ip}:{port}")
10    while True:
11        data, addr = server_socket.recvfrom(1024)
12        print(f"Received data from {addr}: {data}")
14if __name__ == "__main__":
15    start_srt_server("", 9000)
This script initializes a basic SRT server that listens for incoming SRT streams on port 9000.

Advanced Integration SRT with Existing Systems

Integrating SRT into an existing RTMP infrastructure can be accomplished by setting up an intermediary server that can handle both protocols. Below is an example configuration using FFmpeg to transcode an incoming RTMP stream to SRT.

FFmpeg RTMP to SRT Transcoding

1ffmpeg -i rtmp://your_rtmp_server/live/stream -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -maxrate 3000k -bufsize 6000k -c:a aac -b:a 160k -f mpegts srt://your_srt_server:9000?pkt_size=1316
This command takes an RTMP stream from your_rtmp_server and transcodes it to an SRT stream, sending it to your_srt_server on port 9000.


In this article, we've explored the key differences and similarities between SRT vs RTMP, two prominent streaming protocols. RTMP, with its low latency and widespread compatibility, remains a staple in the live streaming industry. However, its reliance on outdated technology and security limitations are notable drawbacks. SRT, with its robust security features, error correction, and adaptability, is emerging as a strong contender for modern streaming needs, particularly in professional and corporate environments.
By understanding the technical aspects, practical applications, and implementation steps for both protocols, broadcasters can make informed decisions about which protocol best suits their specific requirements. Whether prioritizing compatibility with existing infrastructure or seeking enhanced security and reliability, this guide provides a comprehensive overview to help navigate the evolving landscape of live streaming technology.

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